The Projects developed by CEF after the 1999 earthquake in Marmara Region.
The earthquake in Marmara Region in August 17, l999 had a great impact and caused a heavy destruction over a wide area. CEF had developed 4 projects in order to mitigate the impact of the disaster.
1st Project : Supplying hot water by solar collectors for 200-300 people living in pre-fabric
houses or in tent cities.
2nd Project : Establishing a system to provide electricity from solar energy with a power of 3 kW.
3rd Project: Supplying clean water from sea water by using solar energy.
4th Project : Organising the rebuilding process in the earthquake region in accordance with the climate, environment and energy consciousness.
The first two among the four projects mentioned above are implemented at the UN tent-city in İzmit. (More details are given in the next paragraph.)Unfortunately the third project could not be implemented because of financing for investment could not be found.